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Wisdom of the World Religions & Science of Mind: Sufism April

04/03/2025 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM PT


Sufism – The Path of the Heart
Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, offers a direct experience of Divine Love through devotion, poetry, and inner transformation. Imam Jamal Rahman will guide us through the spiritual teachings of Rumi, Hafez, and Rabia, exploring the Three Principles and Five Pillars of Islam through the lens of Science of Mind. Together, we will open our hearts to the presence of the Divine, cultivating the deep inner peace (Sakina) that allows us to move through life with grace, joy, and a profound sense of Oneness. 
This is the first of two parts on Sufism. Register for part two here.
Or consider registering for the 9 month series at a discounted rate and have access to all of the classes and all the recordings for the entire series.
Thursday, Apr 3, 6:30-8:30pm PT
Instructor: Imam Jamal
Category: World Religions
Location: Zoom (link information will be sent out a couple of days prior to class starting, as well as an hour prior to class)
Investment: $30 until 8pm 4/6, $35 after
Imam Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker on Islam, Sufi spirituality and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in the New York Times, on CBS News, the BBC and various NPR programs. Co-founder and Muslim Sufi minister at Interfaith Community Sanctuary and adjunct faculty at Seattle University, he is a former host of Interfaith Talk Radio and travels nationally and internationally, presenting at conferences, retreats and workshops.
Jamal's passion lies in interfaith community building. He remains rooted in his Islamic tradition but cultivates 'spaciousness' by being open to the beauty and wisdom of other faiths. Through the process of an authentic and appreciative understanding of other paths, Jamal feels that he is becoming a better Muslim. This spaciousness is not about conversion, but about completion. Jamal has an abiding faith in the power of heart to heart connections to encompass differences and dissolve prejudices.
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