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Sunday Celebration Service - Character Development

03/23/2025 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM PT


Join us in person or online from our Watch Live page, or YouTube, at 9 & 11am.  
March Theme: The Universe is Made Up of Stories
The poet Muriel Rukeser said, "The Universe is made up of stories, not atoms.". At a closer look, you might find that this is true. Change the story, change the outcome. 
Talk Title: Character Development 
We are the main characters in the movie of our lives. Yes, it may seem like the storyline is out of our control, but we determine whether we show up as victims, heroes, or ignorant walk-ons.   
Speaker: Kathianne Lewis, DD
Musical Guest: Stephan Plummer
Youth & Family Programs:
Youth (K-12 grade) can participate in learning spiritual practices and principles taught here at the Center on Sundays at 11 a.m. Families with young children are invited to use our viewing room located on the top floor. Videos for at-home learning are available at your convenience on our YouTube channel. Please contact Janell Shiers with questions at
Online Community:
Join a Prayer Practitioner after each service for Virtual Prayer SupportClick to join on Zoom.
Click here to view all of our virtual community and support groups
Neon CRM by Neon One