Spiritual Tune-Ups: Practitioner Mini-Sessions
01/26/2025 12:45 PM - 02:45 PM PT
Sunday, Jan 26, 12:45-2:45pm PT, Sanctuary and Online
Come feel the empowering energy of a Practitioner Mini Session and get a “Spiritual Tune Up.” It is our Practitioners great pleasure to join in prayer with you.
During these 15–20-minute confidential prayer sessions you will meet one-on-one with a Prayer Practitioner. You will have the opportunity to share what is on your heart – in what area of your life you need support, wish to affirm an outcome or healing, or want to see a change. During this time, you are witnessed and heard while the Practitioner supports you in affirming your highest Good through Affirmative Prayer. If you would like to know more about Prayer Practitioners and Affirmative Prayer (Spiritual Mind Treatment), go to the Prayer Support page on our website.
Individuals, couples, families, and teens are welcome to take advantage of this complimentary service. Love offerings which support the Practitioner body at CSL Seattle are greatly appreciated.
To signup, email tuneup@spiritualliving.org or call Rachel DiPaola, RScP at 415-763-9330 with:
Phone number
Request for individual, family, couples, or teen session
Time preference—12:45pm, 1:15pm, 1:45pm, or 2:15pm Pacific
Request for in person or virtual session
To make a love offering:
Click the donate button on the website (www.spiritualliving.org) and type Tune-Up in the comment section
Text "Tune" to 844-315-7968 (you will need a credit card the first time you use Text to Give)
Venmo: @CSLSeattle, put Tune-Ups in Commect section
PayPal: Accounting@spiritualliving.org, put Tune-Ups in Comment section
Call the office at (206) 527-8801
Or drop a check or cash in the basket in the sanctuary for in person sessions
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