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Better Business Break for the Year

01/07/2025 12:00 PM - 03/04/2025 01:00 PM PT


Better Business Break for 2025
Did you know it’s possible to align your spiritual and business consciousness? 
The Better Business Break, “BBB,” was created for anyone wanting to combine spiritual principles and business principles in their work life. In 2025, we’ll offer monthly online classes to support people doing that. We do this by sharing our challenges, successes, and intentions AND supporting each other on our business journey. As a friend of mine often tells me, " Anything worth doing is worth doing with support.”
The 2025 overall theme revolves around creating strategies that support a thriving business and work life (Strategy—a general plan to achieve one or more long-term or overall goals under conditions of uncertainty). Each month, we’ll consider spiritual and business principles and explore how to use them to create a strategy supporting our work lives.
Whether you’re a business owner, professional, or looking to bring greater purpose into your work, this class will help you integrate prosperity, mindfulness, and impact in ways you never imagined.
Join us as we transform how we work, think, and thrive—one month at a time!
Enroll Now and start creating a better business and a better life.
Login 15 minutes early to share and meet with Rev. Don.
Register for all of the 2025 sessions and make one payment. The investment will be $300 and you receive two free sessions from the normal monthly price. Want the entire year but have already registered for individual Breaks, register for the year and receive a refund for the previous 2025 Breaks in which you've registered.
1st Tuesday of each month
Facilitator: Rev. Don Beaty
Category: Business and Leadership
Location: Zoom (link information will be sent out the weekend before, as well as an hour prior to the Break)
Fee: $300 for the entire year, including recordings for all 12 sessions.
If you only want to register for February, click this link to be taken to January's event page..
Neon CRM by Neon One