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Using Improv to Elevate Consciousness

06/09/2024 12:30 PM - 06/23/2024 02:30 PM PT


 This class has been postponed to May. You can register for it here. 
Improv teaches spontaneity, trusting yourself and being completely present in the moment.  Within this engaging workshop, you’ll improvise stories from race consciousness and then form an elevation consciousness of love, harmony, and compassion. This imprint of the higher consciousness provides information on how to live centered in love.
Sundays, Jun 9 and Jun 23, 12:30-2:30pm PT
Instructor: Chris Coy, RScP
Location: Classroom A
Cost: $50 before 5/3, $60 after
Chris Coy: Chris has over 25 years as an actor, teacher, playwright, and director. She began as a children’s drama teacher but quickly discovered the joy in helping adults rediscover their creativity. She found theater improvisation to be a key factor in her spiritual evolution and hopes to bring the magic of improv to other adults. 
Neon CRM by Neon One