Sunday Community Groups
04/07/2024 - 04/28/2024

As a deeply spiritual community, the Center for Spiritual Living is a place to find support in times of joy, celebrations and triumphs, as well as through times of loss, sorrows, and pain. Whatever your situation or season of life, you’ll find support in the form of one of our many drop-in community groups. Below you will find our community groups meeting on Sundays. To learn about all our community groups, click here.
Men in Spirit
1st Sunday, 10:30am PT. Education Annex and Zoom.
Each month, we take a spiritual principle and explore it from the masculine perspective. It’s a practical, fun and sometimes challenging look at how we can put these spiritual truths into action in our daily lives. As men, we want to make real difference in our world. Through this Circle, we do. Bring a friend and experience the power of being supported as a spiritual man in the real world!
For Zoom link information, please reach out to group facilitator, Rev. Don Beaty at
Young Adult Next Thought Gathering
Every Sunday, 12-2pm PT. Education Annex (Lower Level).
The Next Thought Gathering supports those ages 18-35 in exploring conscious spirituality. Join facilitator Elijah Barbee and group members in-person every 1st Sunday to explore a different topic.
Grief Circles
1st & 3rd Sundays, 12:45-2pm PT. Anne Bock Prayer Room.
Everyone is welcome to come to share, mourn, be heard, and experience compassion and empathy as we explore the feelings around loss of any kind.
Facilitators: Suzanne West, RScP; Karen Jackson, RScP; and Jerrie Paul, RScP
CSL Recovery Conversations: A New Thought Perspective on 12-Step Recovery
2nd & 4th Sundays, 9-10:30am PT. Education Annex.
Through the teachings of Science of Mind, this group explores many paths to recovery.
Contact: Jack O’Berg, 206-949-9050
Women in Spirit
3rd Sundays, 10:30-11:30am PT. Education Annex.
Community, support, and sisterhood are important factors in not only surviving but thriving in such a world. Join us and experience the transformative power and healing presence of extraordinary women as we come together to dive deep spiritually and create positive change in our lives and our world.
Facilitators: Monica Drummey, and Marjorie McKinney
Earth Action Committee
3rd Sundays, 12:30-1:30pm PT. Classroom A.
Would you like to be a part of a new committee at CSL Seattle focused on taking care of the Earth and our environment? Join us in creating a world that works for everyone.
Facilitator: Mary Lou Dickerson
The Practice of Abundance
Sundays weekly, 6pm PT. Zoom Meeting ID: 837 6664 4415
Join this weekly drop-in group, with facilitators Jim Landis and Vicki Draper, focused on the Practice of Abundance from John Randolph Prices’ “The Abundance Book”. We begin with meditation, followed by an opportunity for check-ins, brags and prayer.
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