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Mindfulness Workshop

10/09/2022 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM PT


Sunday, Oct 9, 12:30-2:00 pm
Facilitator: Jeff Granville of Mindful Presents
Location: In Person in the Fellowship Hall as well as Webinar via Zoom (link will be emailed upon registration)
Cost: FREE
Discover the power of the breath to instill a feeling of calm and override our negative thoughts and emotions.
We will discuss the science behind and the benefits of controlled overlooked superpower that we all possess. (We do it unconsciously, on average 16 times a minute). With consciousness and intent brought to this natural biologic function, we can harness its' calming, healing power at all  levels - mind, body and spirit. 
We will teach simple, yet powerful breathing exercises that you will feel the benefits of right away, and exponentially more with consistency  over time. 
Come join us and discover how to harness one of your Superpowers!
Join this free workshop on the second Sundays of each month hosted by YFP (Youth and Family Program) and Jeff Granville of Mindful Presents. This workshop is geared toward adults to learn about mindfulness and techniques to use with your family.


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