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Sunday Celebration Services - Shall we dare to hope? (Online Only)



Watch with us on Livestream or Facebook Live at 9 & 11am

The word “hope” seems to have had a bad reputation in the spiritual communities. Some people think that if you hope that you don’t really have the conviction of belief. Let’s explore the idea of hope this week and reclaim this holy word as part of our spiritual practice.

Join the CSL community online for our Celebration Services at 9am and 11am. Here, you will find inspiring ideas and practical spiritual tools for a happier, healthier life.

Theme: 20/20 Spiritual Vision: The Season of Hope, Faith, & Miracles
Talk Title: Shall we dare to hope?
Speaker: Rev. Abigail Schairer
Musical Guest: LaVon Hardison

Online Community:

Join a Prayer Practitioner online at 10am and 12pm for a Virtual Prayer Circle. Click to join on Zoom.

CSL Fellowship: Zoom Coffee Talk, Sundays, 10-10:50am. Click to join on Zoom.

Click here to view all of our online community and support groups. 


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