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Global Path To Membership

09/20/2020 12:05 PM - 02:00 PM PT


Is Center for Spiritual Living Seattle an important place of connection and inspiration for you, especially now during these unique times? Would you even call CSL Seattle your spiritual home?  The Global Path to Membership workshop is your final step in making CSL Seattle your spiritual home, a place to put down roots, grow, and thrive. You’ll learn about the Five Spiritual Practices members are asked to embrace: Prayer, Meditation, Sacred Service, Gracious Giving, and Spiritual Study. You’ll get an opportunity to meet other new members and learn more about our community. 
Prerequisite for the Path to Membership workshop: Completion of the Introduction to Practical Spirituality or Beyond Limits.
Sunday, Sep 20, 12:05-2:00 pm PT
Instructor: Rev. Harold Costa
Location: Webinar -
Tuition: Free. Register in advance.
Neon CRM by Neon One