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Sunday Celebration Service - "Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it."



Service times: 9am, 11am, 5:30pm

The title quote is by African American Author and Religious Figure Howard Thurman, who was the co-spiritual leader of the first large, un-segregated church in the United States.

My observation is that when we aren't allowing our creative energies to flow into what makes us come alive, we stagnate and become critical, consumptive, and create havoc in our lives.

Are you looking for ways to be uplifted, inspired, and nurtured in your spiritual journey? Our services offer you a place to connect, grow and ignite your spirit. Our services honor all paths to God and the Universal Truths found throughout world religions — we believe in celebrating and sharing the good in the world. With world-class music and inspiring speakers, we dedicate Sunday mornings to exploring new ideas and learning practical spiritual tools for a happier, healthier life.

Theme: Creativity
Talk Title: 
"Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it."
Speaker: Kathianne Lewis, DD (9 & 11am); Rev. Abigail Schairer (5:30pm)
Musical Guest: LaVon Hardison (9 & 11am); Beverly Daugherty (5:30pm)

New CSL Service and Youth Program Times/Location:
Celebration Services & Youth Programs are currently held at 11am and Morning Meditation at 8:30am: all at our new Green Lake home, 6318 Linden Ave N. We look forward to welcoming you!

Neon CRM by Neon One