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Better Business Breakfast: Mar 2016 (SAW)

03/01/2016 07:00 AM - 08:30 AM PT


Mar 1

Ever been in that situation where you look around and wonder why am I here or who called this meeting? The good news is that if you’re there, YOU called the meeting. So now what? This month we’ll turn this question on its head and answer it with a power and understanding that will turn all of your meetings into ones YOU want to attend. Plus we’ll also add some tools to make sure you miss the rest. Maximize the return on our investment of time by joining us this month. 

1st Tue, Mar 1, 7 – 8:30am. Room: Fellowship Hall
Facilitator: Don Beaty 
Tuition: $25 till 8pm Sun, 2/28. $35 after. 
Online registration is now closed. New registrations will be taken at the door.
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