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Living The Serenity Prayer - June 2015

06/02/2015 06:30 PM - 07/07/2015 09:30 PM PT


Living the Serenity Prayer

Explore this life-giving prayer, which will honor and deepen your relationship with the God of your understanding! This prayer is not just for those in recovery. We will look at the personal relationship mystics and other greats have had with Spirit and focus each week on a section of the Serenity Prayer, embodying the spiritual principles of acceptance, courage, responsibility, and surrender.

From the creator of class curriculum:

Living the Serenity Prayer
By Rev. Jane Beach
New Awareness
Have you ever looked back on a time of great challenge and realized that there was actually a gift in it? What’s that about?! Our human minds are set up to believe that when things are going well we should be happy, and when they are not we have reason to be upset. Then along comes the spiritual awareness that we have choice, blowing that old thinking right out of the water. Instead it is replaced with a discovery that deep within each of us is a place of serenity … a center of inner peace. It is available to us always, and when we tap into it our life heads down a new road – a path of joy and fresh beginnings.
We tend to discover our spiritual nature when life’s challenges hit and we don’t know what to do. There is something enlightening about making mistakes, hitting the proverbial brick wall and running out of answers. It’s often when we grow the most. We have an endless well of loving direction just waiting for our attention. Once we’ve realized we can’t do it on our own, we finally allow Spirit in, and we uncover the gift in every circumstance.
The Serenity Prayer is a reminder to accept the serenity that dwells within us. Gently whispering our name, our inner wisdom seeks ways to help us notice that we are more than our human reasoning, experiences and emotions. The love that is our true nature sends us messages of hope and possibility in every circumstance. The Serenity Prayer is our cue to pay attention.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. 
Class cancelled.
Textbook available in CSL Bookstore
Required: Twenty Five Words by Barb Rogers, $12.95
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