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Path To Membership: Join The Circle! - December 2018

12/09/2018 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM PT


Path To Membership: Join The Circle!
You’ve completed Introduction to Practical Spirituality, but are you home yet? The Path to Membership workshop is your final step in making CSL Seattle your spiritual home, a place to put down roots, grow, and thrive. You’ll learn about the Five Spiritual Practices members are asked to embrace: Prayer, Meditation, Sacred Service, Gracious Giving, and Spiritual Study. You’ll get an opportunity to meet other new members and learn more about our community. Membership is a requirement for Inward Journey and Practitioner Training students.
Prerequisite for the Path to Membership workshop: Completion of the Introduction to Practical Spirituality.
Sunday, Dec 9, 9:30 to 10:30 am
Instructor: Rev. Harold Costa
Location: Mountaineers Club, Summit Room
Tuition: Free. Register in advance.
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