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Introduction to Compassionate Listening

06/06/2018 06:30 PM - 06/13/2018 09:30 PM PT


Introduction to Compassionate Listening

You are invited to become a more powerful peacemaker in your family, community and workplace. Come explore the Five Core Practices of Compassionate Listening and learn the skills necessary to bring this powerful technique into your daily life.

Compassionate Listening is a practice that reaches deep into the heart of discord or disconnection, teaching people to listen with the ears of the heart to those around them. Learn powerful tools to transform the energy of conflict into opportunities for understanding, intimacy at home, healthy relations, productive teamwork, and positive action. This practice provides a roadmap to what sages from all ages and cultures have taught: cultivating the wisdom of the heart is the key to real peace "from the inside out."

This two part series will serve as a basic introduction for newcomers and an opportunity for previous participants to review and deepen their practice,


Wednesday, Jun 6 – 13, 6:30 to 9:30 pm

Facilitator: Susan Partnow

Room: Troward

Tuition: $40 by 8pm, Sun, Jun 3; $50 after

Susan Partnow is co-founder of Conversation Cafes, Let’s Talk America and Global Citizen Journey. She is a former teacher and speech pathologist, author of Everyday Speaking for All Occasions, co-contributor to The Art of Compassionate Listening, certified mediator, and an organizational development consultant/trainer for over 30 years, with an M.A. from Northwestern University

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