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Working ON Your Business - June 2014

06/03/2014 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT


Spend time each month Working ON Your Business, as opposed to working IN your business.  Enjoy the luxury of getting out of the office or store and working on that marketing project, your website wording, or any number of things that never seem to get done while you're in the midst of the day-to-day "stuff" of normal business. Check in with our on-site business experts, work quietly on a project, or utilize meditation space to get the "download" directly from Spirit. This is your opportunity to direct your focus, discipline, and skills upon the growth of your business.

June 2014
Tue, Jun 3, 9am - 12pm, right after Better Business Breakfast
Thomas Troward & Legacy rooms
Free. Reg by 8pm Sun, 6/1.


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