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Grow Yourself, Grow your Wealth: Prosperity Practices for Faith and Focus - Jul 2015

07/19/2015 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM PT


Grow Yourself, Grow your Wealth:  Prosperity Practices for Faith and Focus 
Money is neutral.  Meaning about money is powerful.  You and I are the meaning makers in our money lives.  For many spiritual folks, money is an area where greater God consciousness and inspired action can bring tremendous results. 
If you’d like to immediately expand your personal spiritual leadership of your own wealth experience, this workshop is for you! Rev. Karen Russo, author of The Money Keys, shares spiritual principles, teaches practical tools including weekly prosperity practices, and introduces a powerful framework, the Money Map, so that you:
  • Permanently eliminate worry about your finances to find peace
  • Release your resentment and victimization about money and feel free
  • Immediately step into even more vital circulation of  prosperity, and
  • Contribute to a wealthy, healthy world for all!
Expect to leave with reinvigorated prosperity vision, less emotional upset, an empowered mindset and a specific weekly plan to deepen your faith and focus your financial actions. 
The beautiful being I know as Rev. Karen Russo is a faithful servant, student and teacher of universal spiritual principles.
— Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder Agape International Spiritual Center, featured in the movie The Secret
Sun, Jul 19, 1:30 - 3pm
Instructor: Rev. Karen Russo
Room: Holmes
Tuition $15
Registrations now closed.

Rev. Karen Russo, is the Spiritual Leader of the global Money Keys Community and the award-winning author of The Money Keys: Unlocking Peace, Freedom and Real Financial Power, with testimonies from her teachers Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Katherine Woodward Thomas, T. Harv Eker, and a foreword by Bob Proctor.   With her unusual experience as an MBA from Columbia University, an accomplished corporate trainer, a top-selling salesperson and an ordained Centers for Spiritual Living minister, Karen shares insights from 25 years of success in secular and spiritual realms. Visit

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