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The Gnostic Gospel of Judas: The Blessings of Betrayal & Resentment

06/12/2016 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM PT


The Gnostic Gospel of Judas: The Blessings of Betrayal & Resentment
This workshop neither denies nor minimizes the pain of betrayal and the misery of resentment, but rather explores how the Jesus of the ancient gnostic Gospel of Judas found certain sacred benefits in his experience of heart wrenching betrayal. This view helps us to understand why certain resentments are so hard to release, and that sometimes our bitter resentments return again and again until the gold nugget of truth is mined from the pain. Only then can the awful offense can be fully released, and sweet forgiveness fully realized.

Sun, Jun 12, 1:30 - 3:30pm
Instructor: Michael Bogar, MDiv, ThM
Room: Holmes
Tuition: $20
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