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Mysticism on the Mount - March

03/19/2025 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM PT


"Blessed are they that mourn...."   
Wait.. What?   Isn't it supposed to be the JOYFUL ones who are blessed???  Join us and find some personal uplift in the meaning of Jesus' words.   With an open mind and heart, join the discussion about the mysticism of this beatitude.  Hidden within is a call to deeper spiritual connection AND practical applicability.  
No books are required. Books that will be referenced are:
The Sermon on the Mount: The Key to Success and Life  by Emmet Fox
Jesus' Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount by Richard Rohr
Wednesday, Mar 19, 12-1:30pm PT
Instructor: Revs. Sharon Ramey and Don Beaty
Category: Spiritual Practices
Location: Zoom (link information will be sent out a couple of days prior to class starting, as well as an hour prior to class)
Investment: $30 until 8pm 3/16, $35 after
Sharon Ramey is a minister for Centers for Spiritual Living and loves to promote The Abundant Life for All in her talks and classes. After 20+ years at CSL Seattle, Sharon is now a resident of Texas, with her husband Paul.
It is Rev. Don Beaty’s passion to expand the power of spiritual principles into the world of work and business. He personally uses highly effective spiritual tools in creating and running his businesses and takes significant joy in supporting others to find tools that are right for them.
This passion started when he discovered the teachings of New Thought in 1989. Rev. Don knew immediately he had found his spiritual home and became a practitioner in 1992 in order to support those in the community in putting spiritual principles to work in their lives and help the center thrive. Rev. Don answered the call to further develop his spiritual core in 2016 by enrolling in the Holmes Institute and became a licensed minister with Centers for Spiritual Living in January 2021.
Neon CRM by Neon One